You have finished de-cluttering your home but now you need to organize all your items. Whether it be the garage, pantry, attic, or closet, the same tips and tricks will apply when it comes to getting organized. In this article we will go over some organizing tips to keep your home in order.
1. Group all like items together. If you have a messy linen closet or disorganized pantry, start by putting the same items with each other. For example keep all towels in one group, sheets in another, and soaps with each other in the linen closet. Or in the pantry do a section for canned foods, another for teas, and a separate one for boxed foods like pasta.
2. One way to keep things neat is to have a place for everything. This can be done by way of a drawer, shelf, or even storage baskets. Doing a combination can also work. Storage baskets make it easy to remove, find, and put back items when needed.
3. Date and label. If using storage baskets label them with what is in them and if there is an expiration date for an item clearly label it.
4. One tip when dealing with perishable items is to keep the older ones in the front so the get used first.
5. Color coordination is another way to keep things organized and easy to find.
By keeping this organized it preserves the quality of your items and cuts down on time it takes to find the items you need.